10th International Conference of Urban Pests (Barcelona, Spain)

The International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) was held on 27-29 June 2022 in Barcelona bringing together those with a professional interest in urban pests: participants from academia, industry, government and professionals of pest control. The conference was focused on urban pests, which have emerged in the last years in urban environments due to globalization, super population, changes in land uses and climate change.

The works presented were mostly focused on mosquitoes and bed bugs, but also rodents, wasps, termites, woodworm, ants and cockroaches. IRTA-CReSA and IRIDEON participated and contributed to the conference with an oral communication titled: “Remote identification of mosquitoes in the field: a new sensor prototype”, where the results of the sensor performance in the field in discriminating Aedes and Culex mosquitoes by genus and sex were presented.

During the event there were some networking spaces were the partners discussed the possibilities of our work with other actors from industry and academia.